Sunday, November 28, 2010


Sometimes I do not understand why it’s so hard for me to blog. I’ve written down a few ideas to blog about, but after a few days I no longer care about the topic enough to share it online. So… a month passes with no posts. Mostly we have been going to school and working – nothing news worthy really. We have had some fun get-togethers at our apt complex: Halloween/Birthday Party and Thanksgiving meal. We are very thankful for our neighbors/friends.

I told some of you that we would post our Old Testament midterm for you to read. In my opinion, our essays are a good summary of what we learned and discussed the first half of the semester. I’m not going to post it online. I got nervous that something might be misconstrued, and once it’s online – it’s out there for the world to see forever. Having said that, if you are interested, send either of us an email and we’ll send it to you for your reading. We’d love to discuss you’re ideas after reading it as well.

Another thing we have done since our last post is take advantage of Bank of America’s free museum weekend in November (those with BoA should take advantage of these weekends). We decided to go to the Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco. The best thing I took away from that trip was this website:

I have not watched all of them, but two of my favorites are Shemini and Vayetze.

Shemini – very catchy and the most entertained I’ve been with Leviticus

Vayetze – story of Rachel and Leah

Remember, these animations are not a word for word reading of the Old Testament but I think they give new life to these stories that I’m used to reading. Enjoy

Well, our Thanksgiving Break is coming to a end and we have two more weeks of classes – this includes finals. Wish us luck!

P.S. Jamie is now writing for another blog (Yes, I am a little hurt that OUR blog has yet to have a post from him in the course of its 6 month life, but he’s has already posted twice to the other one just this week! And, yes I am writing this to hopefully guilt him in to contributing here.) You can read his writings here.