Sunday, April 17, 2011


I felt the need to redesign the blog- therefore, I felt the need to blog.


*We are back in GA

*Jamie is serving. Ashley is babysitting

*Ashley is attempting to coupon as a hobby. If she can't make money from a hobby, she's going to try to save money from one.

*Biggest news (and life adjustment): a puppy! We adopted a border collie and named her Ellie. She is helping us stay active and get up earlier :) She is a GREAT puppy and I have a feeling future blogs will be about training her - what works, what doesn't, and other stories. We are training her with a clicker as well as treats (only positive reinforcement) and it seems to be working fairly. She does not respond when she is not paying attention to us yet. But, when she’s focused, she’ll sit, come, lay down, shake, and leave it. She’s learning quickly. Today's story: she took a pair of socks today and attempted to bury them in the back yard. If it weren’t for one sock peeking out of the ivy, that pair might have been lost forever J

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you blogged! Your 'hobby' philosophy is hilarious. I never was good at couponing...maybe you can teach me some skillz. : )
